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Password Strength Control

By Tharindu Nishad Patikirikorala

This article is about a Password Strength control, which can be used in password dialogs and login windows in Windows based .NET applications. If you want, you can use it as a progress bar control as well. This control can be shaped to different styles and can be extended, if needed.
C# (C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#), .NET (.NET, .NET 2.0), Dev, Design

Posted: 21 Jul 2008
Updated: 21 Jul 2008
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This article is about a Password Strength control, which can be used in password dialogs and login windows in Windows based .NET applications. If you want, you can use it as a progress bar control as well. This control can be shaped to different styles and can be extended, if needed.


Custom control design is one of the fascinating features given by the .NET framework to control authors. Using inheritance, we can extend the behavior or the look and feel of preexisting Windows Forms controls. In addition, because of the flexibility given to authors, they can give designers good design time experience using property grids and other means. There are lots of controls with similar features in the web using the power of JavaScript and AJAX, but I was not able to find such a control for Windows based applications. Because of this, I decided to create this control, which I believe has very good value.


Password Strength Control Features

You can use this control mainly in Change Password windows and in Login dialog boxes to show the strength of the input password. Using the security policy of the company, given a password, you can decide a mark for the strength of that password. In my demo application, I have used a one password strength algorithm to show the power of this control. In addition, you can divide the entire strength range in to several segments and name those as you wish. In my demo application, I have used ranges like Short, Weak, Good, and Strong.

What are the styles available in this control? Using the ControlStyle property, you can change the styles.




Strength indicator bar is drawn with a solid (single) color.


Strength indicator bar is drawn with two colors having a horizontal gradient. (GradientStartColor, GradientEndColor)


Strength indicator bar is drawn with two colors having a vertical gradient. (GradientStartColor, GradientEndColor)


Strength indicator bar is drawn using an input image. (ForeGroundImage)

Using the same styles, you can change the control behavior and look and feel to a segmented mode using the EnableSegment property. Furthermore, you have to set the properties like SegmentGap and SegmentWidth to customize this mode.

To change the alignment of the text, you can use the TextAlignment property which has options like Left, Right, Center, and None. You can also change the border color and background images.

Control Implementation

The Password Strength control is an extension of the System.Windows.Forms.Control class. Even though this has a similar look and feel as the ProgressBar control, I avoided extending it because the behavior and some of the visual effects had to be developed from scratch. In fact, the usage of this control is completely different from that of the ProgressBar control.

The main implementation is in the Draw method. When the control is refreshed or repainted, this method will be called. There, I have divided the implementation into three methods. They are DrawBorder, DrawBackgorund, and DrawText. Out of these methods, I am going to discuss only the most important method.

In the DrawBackgorund method, when the control is in the segmented mode, I draw a region with segments, or in other words, like a scale.

Region region = new Region();
Rectangle segmentRect = new Rectangle(InnerRectangle.Left, InnerRectangle.Top, 
                                      swidth, InnerRectangle.Height); 
for (int i = 0; i < segmentNumber; i++) { 
  segmentRect.Offset(swidth + gap, 0); 

I used this code snippet to create a segmented region just like a scale. Then, using the FillRegion method in the Graphics class, I filled the segmented region using different brushes.

Other important implantations are the DrawWire and DrawGradient methods used in this control. For this, different brushes like TextureBrush, LinearGradientBrush, and SolidBrush provided by the System.Drawing namespace were really useful.

LinearGradientBrush gradientBrush = new LinearGradientBrush( 
 new Point(rc.X, rc.Y), 
 new Point(rc.X + rc.Width, rc.Y), 

I used the LinearGradientBrush to create the gradient when the control is in the Gradient style. Here, when strength increases, the gradient increases as well. Use this brush for FillRectangle or FillRegion to paint the surface accordingly.

In the DrawWire method, I used another GradientBrush with the color blend option to enable multi-color gradient in the vertical direction.

LinearGradientBrush gradientBrush = new LinearGradientBrush( 
  new Point(rc.X, rc.Y), 
  new Point(rc.X, rc.Y + rc.Height), 
ColorBlend colorBlend = new ColorBlend(3); 
colorBlend.Colors = new Color[] { this.gradientEndColor, 
           this.gradientStratColor, this.gradientEndColor }; 
colorBlend.Positions = new float[] { 0, (float)0.4, 1 }; 
gradientBrush.InterpolationColors = colorBlend;

When designing a control, we have to consider the properties we are going to expose to the propertygrid and other external entities. Using the attributes given by the System.ComponentModel namespace, we have the flexibility to selectively expose the things we want. For instance, the Browsable (bool) attribute can be used to avoid a specific property being displayed in the property window. In the following table, you can find the meaning of the attributes I have used:


Indicates whether a property or an event should be displayed in the Properties window.


Provides the name of the category to which a property or an event belongs to. This allows for logical grouping of properties and events.


Used to provide a default value for a control property. If the property doesn't have a simple type, a type converter is needed.


Provides a description of a property or an event. The text is displayed at the bottom of the Properties window when the user selects a property or event.

Apart from these, I have used:

[Description ("Password Strength Control with different styles.")]

Attributes which will be used by the Toolbox when you add this to the VS2005 Toolbox:


Provides a base implementation of a toolbox item.


Allows you to specify an icon to represent a control in a container, such as the Microsoft Visual Studio Form Designer.

I created a new event called StrengthChangedEventHandler to notify the users that the strength value or the text of the control has changed. This event provides a StrengthChangedEventArgs type of EventArgs with the respective strength value and text.

If you want to extend this control, you can do that by easily overriding the existing method implementations in any way suitable.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

About the Author

Tharindu Nishad Patikirikorala

BSc(Eng), MCP (Web Development)
Location: Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

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Last Updated: 21 Jul 2008
Editor: Smitha Vijayan
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